Sedia élite


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[ our history ]

For over 40 years, the bending of wood has been the passion that binds our family to the world of furniture.

It all began in the early 1970s, when one of the founding partners, Aldo Di Gaspero, was fascinated by the style and production method of the Thonet or Viennese style chairs.

Curving the wood, means creating a bend in the wood by forming a single straight solid wooden board without making joints, fittings or overlaps.

It means giving the wood a form-ability that it does not possess naturally, thanks to the effect of the heat and humidity provided by steam.
The time frame is approximately a minute to curve and permanently lock the piece of wood into its
new shape forever.

In times past when there were no mentors or teachers to teach this art form, it took several months
of trial and errors. But then, little by little and step by step, every detail was fine-tuned.

The selection of the best beech, the right percentage of humidity, the perfect temperature and the correct times of each single micro-phase gave rise to magic.

The result was a perfect blend of solidity and flexibility.
Since that time, craftsmanship, skillful labor, selection of the raw materials and continuous attention to details have become daily constants.
[ The company ]

Our group

Today, we have not stopped having an attentive eye for the curvature of wood and we continue to separate ourselves from the competition by being forerunners in the market.

L’Élite del Legno is our branch that deals exclusively with this processing, using both traditional and the most advanced methods available today.

L’Élite del Legno

Sedia Élite is our branch that brings our chairs to both the national and international markets, and combines various processes of our chairs in bent wood by using traditional methods, a more modern type of production and various materials, but always manufactured with precision by our expert craftsmen.

Sedia Élite
[ Our principles ]

Handcrafted care

In a world where production is almost entirely entrusted to machines, we have decided to continue to believe in the beauty, uniqueness and solidity of handcrafted work. We are sure that all of this will still be appreciated in future years by a public that is more prepared and attentive.

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